Grapple Tournament, a virtual reality game known for its fast-paced, acrobatic combat and immersive arenas, has been a staple in the VR gaming community since it released in 2021. Tomorrow Games just announced on Steam that this fan-favorite game is about to undergo a seismic shift.
In an exciting move, Grapple Tournament is transitioning to a Free-to-Play (F2P) model on Thursday, September 14, 2023. This follows several popular games that have made a similar transition in recent times such as Population: One and Blaston.
To facilitate this monumental shift, the game is rolling out a slew of updates that should be exciting for veteran players and newcomers alike. This includes a fully reworked customization system, new skins, and an improved UI that promises to make your in-game experience as intuitive as it is immersive. And for those who have been loyal to the game since its inception, the developers are offering in-game currency and exclusive items worth more in value than the price they originally paid.
It is worth noting that support for Quest 1 and the Rift version will be discontinued. While this may be a bittersweet farewell for some, it’s a necessary step to streamline the game’s ecosystem. As we bid adieu to support for older VR headsets, the shift to a Free-to-Play model is set to usher in a new wave of players—particularly with the imminent release of Quest 3 and the holiday season fast approaching. As the VR multiplayer landscape continues to diversify, Grapple Tournament’s transition could well be an indicator for similar shifts for multiplayer VR games across the board.