Author: Sonya Haskins

Sonya Haskins is Head of Programming for AWE (Augmented World Expo) and encourages development of positive, inclusive environments. In 2017, she became the first female player and oldest player to qualify for the North American Regional Championships of the Oculus-sponsored VR League. Sonya has traveled the world to promote immersive reality in various roles including advisor, journalist, and events coordinator. Sonya has also supported many of the most popular games in the VR industry through articles, community management, assistance to developers, playtesting, and promotion. She has valuable and unique insight related to immersive gaming.

Mannequin, an asymmetrical VR multiplayer game from Fast Travel Games, is a breath of fresh air in the immersive gaming space. Enemies essentially hide in plain sight, the game is challenging whether you have 1v2 players or a full round of 2v3, and it’s one of the best examples of collaborative play that I’ve seen in VR. The sci-fi storyline behind Mannequin is just enough to be fascinating and set the stage for the game, yet knowledge of the story isn’t essential to your survival. Basically, aliens are behind anomalies that have frozen specific sites in time, turning the humans…

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